Friday, February 09, 2007

Sonora Impressions

Deer peeking through the pine trees
Scrub brush - Manaznitas
Ancient Oaks - ghost trees in wintertime
Suicidal Squirrels
Burn Days
Spooked Cows Grazing in the Grass

It's all about the food!
Pine Tree Cafe
Outlaw Barbecue
Backdoor Bar and Grille
Diamondback Cafe

Mark Twain - everywhere
Twain Harte
His Cabin
Frog Jumping
Gold Country


Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Color Yellow

In Egypt and Burma, yellow signifies mourning.

In Spain, executioners once wore yellow.

In India, yellow is the symbol for a merchant or farmer.

In tenth-century France, the doors of traitors and criminals were painted yellow.

Hindus in India wear yellow to celebrate the festival of spring.

If someone is said to have a “yellow streak,” that person is considered a coward.

In Japan during the War of Dynasty in 1357, each warrior wore a yellow chrysanthemum as a pledge of courage.

A yellow ribbon is a sign of support for soldiers at the front.

Yellow is a symbol of jealousy and deceit.

In the Middle Ages, actors portraying the dead in a play wore yellow.

To holistic healers, yellow is the color of peace.

Yellow has good visibility and is often used as a color of warning. It is also a symbol for quarantine, an area marked off because of danger.

“Yellow journalism” refers to irresponsible and alarmist reporting.


Monday, May 30, 2005

Rainbow to Field of Poppies and Lupines ca. 2001 Gorman, California, USA Posted by Hello


Sunday, March 13, 2005

Collected Sayings and Poems

The following Sayings and Poems were collected or written by me during my high school and college years. I wrote them in a stenopad I kept at the time - 1973 through 1978.

Love means never having to say you're sorry.
Love is worth the time it takes to find it.
I always loved you, I've learned to like you.
Happy thoughts make pretty faces.
Love is surrender.
It is not good that man should live alone.
What did you like about today?
People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.
A faithful friend is a treasure.
The time to be happy is now.
You own the day - spend it on happiness...
The universe is but one vast symbol of God.
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows...and joy in all things shall be reflected.
Nature is the art of God.
It is not difficult to find a miracle - only to see it.
Bless this house oh Lord we Pray...
Make it safe by night and day,
Bless these walls so firm and stout
Keeping want and trouble out.
Bless the roof and chimney tall
Let thy peace lie over all
Bless this door that it might prove
Ever open to joy and love...
Prayer is discovering what I have hidden from myself.
The very act of prayer, is an answer to prayer...
Music washes away from the soul the dust from everyday life.
In the light was born the world...
In each child is born the light.
Children have no past nor future:
and what scarcely ever happens to us...
they enjoy the present.
Love does not consist in gazing at each other,
but in looking together in the same direction. Saint Exupery
And think not that you can guide the course of love,
For love, if it finds you worthy, shall guide your course.
Do you love me, or do you not? You told me once, but I forgot.
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
When you pray for an enemy, the battle is won.
Don't pray unless you want to become the answer.
Lord, one of your followers said "We love you as much as the person we love least."
Change takes place because we are accepted, not because we wish to gain acceptance.
If we keep ourselves from opportunities, God will keep us from sins.
The fact that God has commanded us to do a thing, proves that we can do it.
There is no disappointment to those whose wills are buried in the will of God.
He who is not ready today, will be less so tomorrow...
People cannot change truth, but truth can change people.
In the midst of winter, I finally learned, that there is within me, an invincible summer.
Nothing with God is accidental
Patience is the companion of wisdom
A good example is the best sermon
The scriptures teach us the best way of living
the noblest way of suffering
and the most comfortable way of dying.
Spring, youth, and dawning love,
they may be fleeting now
but God promises an eternity of them.
When I try,
I fail.
When I trust,
He succeeds.
Small faith will take you to heaven,
but great faith, will bring heaven to you...
I found God on a mountain top
next to the tall green trees
he was standing there
close by my side
listening and answering my prayer

You can find him too
he's waiting for you
you can find him anywhere
Jesus wants your life
He has a plan for you
Abide with Him, and He will guide you through.
There is a land beyond the sky
A land where we will never die
A land of friendship, love, and peace
Where we will sit at Jesus feet.

I'm going where the sun forever shines,
And Jesus' love will never 'ere depart.

And we shall live eternally
For Jesus died to set us free
He gave His life on Calvary
To pay the way for you and me.

Get ready for he's coming soon
It may be morning, night or noon
And when He comes, will you be one
To whom the Lord can say "well done"?
God makes a promise,
Faith believes it,
Hope anticipates it,
Patience awaits it.
Faith is visualizing what God and and will do.
Don't measure God's mind by your own.
God is always a majority
There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the roots.
Patience and time do more than strength or passion.
Evil often triumphs, but never conquers.
Our acceptance by God, is forever settled.
When praying,
don't give instructions,
report for duty...
There is only one true love,
but there are many copies.
Your body is the only sermon someone may read.
Take time to pray - it is the greatest power on earth.
Christ died for you - what have you done for him lately?
As the snow softly covers the world around us
The Holy Spirit quietly covers the imperfections of our lives.
Kneel in prayer,
Rise in power.
We are not mourners on a trip to a funeral, but pilgrims on our way to heaven.
What is impossible for men, is possible for God.
Admiration is a very short lived passion,
that immediately decays upon growing familiar with it's object.
The deeper the sorrow, the less tongue it has.
Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving us a wordy evidence of the fact.
A friend is to be taken with his faults.
Whatever is worth doing at all - is worth doing well.
When the going gets tough - the tough get going.
Love those best, who love God most.
Love never fails, since God is love,
He will never fail us.
There can be no cramming for the test of God's judgment.
Prayer should be the key of the day, the lock of the night.
It is easy to know God, so long as you don't tax yourself defining Him.
The heart is made pure by the Spirit only.
Something superior, for your interior.
Life is a bowl of pits.
It's hard to keep your mind on a diet,
when your stomach just sent out for Pizza.
If you're weary and feeling sour, just call on Tamu Matoto and she will make you a sweet child.
Streakers motto: See Mee Flee..
Streaker! Prepare to die! Your end is in sight!
I'm allergic to food - it makes me fat.
Don't hit your mother on the head with a shovel,
it will leave a dull impression on her mind.
Obesity is a condition that proves that God doesn't help those who help themselves....
and help themselves.... and help themselves.....
I'm on a see food diet, I see food and I eat...
An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie...
for an excuse is a lie, guarded.
The Lord is disappointed when His people put a low estimate on themselves.
God keeps every promise He makes.
He is like a shield for all who seek protection.
Kind words bring life, but cruel words crush a man's spirit.
He that has no cross, will have no crown.
Men may make their plans,
but God has the last word.
Private devotions and secret offices of religion are like
the refreshing of a garden with the distilling petty drops of a water-pot;
but, addressed from the temple, are like rain from heaven.
A God alone can comprehend God.
All things that are on earth shall wholly pass away, except the love of God, which shall live and last for aye.
The more I see of men, the better I like dogs.
A wager is a fool's argument.
A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none, be able for your enemy rather in power than use, and keep your friend under your own life's key, be checked for silence, but never taxed for speech.
Give every man your ear, but few your voice. Take each man's censure, but few your judgment.
Beauty is truth, truth beauty. That is all you know on earth, and all you need to know.
A man must have a dream, a faith
A goal in from of him out there
so that he struggles to move on
to reach out and find that goal - somewhere.
Beauty without virtue, is like a flower without perfume.
There is an eye that never sleeps
Beneath the wings of night;
There is an ear that never shuts
When sink the beams of light.

There is an arm that never tires
When human strength gives way;
There is a love that never fails
When earthly loves decay.

That eye is fixed on seraph throngs;
That ear is filled with angel songs;
That arm upholds the world on high;
That love is thron'd beyond the sky.
God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform;
He plants His footsteps in the sea,
and rides upon the storm.
He who does a good turn should never remember it
He who receives a good turn should never forget it.
Help yourself, and heaven will help you.
Sometimes it is only a change of viewpoint that is needed to change a seemly tiresome duty into an interesting opportunity.
A task without vision is drudgery;
A vision without a task is a dream;
A task with a vision is victory.
Four things come not back..
The sped arrow,
The spoken word,
Time past,
The neglected opportunity.
Discouragement is the anesthetic the devil uses just before he cuts the heart out.
If Christians would praise God more. The world would doubt him less.
In this crowded world, the surfer still seeks and finds the perfect day, the perfect wave, and still be alone with the surf and his thoughts - John Severson...Endless Summer.
The waves curl, as a surfer gets his ride.
Spray sparkles in the sunlight while
The sun warms my back.
The sails of many boats can be seen in the background.
Lighthouse point is in the foreground.
A seal suns his back on a huge rock as
The surf vainly tries to get him wet.
They call this Steamers Lane...
A surfers paradise.
I just like to sit and watch,
And know that I am part of this scene
There is one ocean with coves having many names
A single sea of atmosphere, with no coves at all
A thin miracle of soil, alive and giving life
A last planet, and there is no spare...
My kitten has a silky coat,
But once he fell in a great big moat,
The king came out and almost fell,
It took so long to make them well,
My kitten was his favorite,
And now he's almost alright
At night when I am sleeping,
I hear the crickets chirping,
The wide-eyed owls hooting,
The croaking of the frogs.
The trees gently swaying
When I'm in bed at night.

When I'm in bed at night,
The moon comes out and shines,
And stars so brightly shining,
Say the angels care for me.

on the steep road
looking towards heaven above
our goal.
To love
keep reaching out
there is always someone
who needs the love you can give him
right now.
white and yellow
on green grass or brown earth
smile as they stretch towards the sun
and grow.
I walked alone
until I found Jesus
Now I have someone to walk with
We're friends.
A time of fun
sunshine, picnics, swimming,
friends, laughter, lazy-daze, and work
can't wait
School's out
diplomas, plus
packing, saying good-bye to friends
unpacking, new friendships,
new classes, with lots of studies,
and fun.
you're always there
when I need you the most
helping me in times of trouble
thank you.

helping me to grow
to be responsible
guiding me now, and later
Love is...
looking ahead we're
sharing life and good times now and
In Spring,
flowers bloom and
love comes to share sunshine,
laughter, singing birds, and much fun
for all
bloom everywhere
Spring is finally here
The sun shines sometimes and it rains
At night
The crickets chirp
the sea sings a night song
the frogs croak, the moon shines above
we sleep
The birds
seem always to
be singing outside my
window in the morning to wake
me up
The sun
raises his head
up through the trees, and his smile wakes
me up.
ambling along
eating a blade of grass
or just enjoying the sunshine
The sea
blue as the sky
seagulls flying above
the sun sparkles like diamonds on
the sea.
red and gold leaves
the last rays of sunshine
before winter chill comes to make
white snow.
The sun shines hot on my back.
Ah, a cool breeze gently passes over,
I twitch a fly away,
And wish I could be in Alaska,
Or eat a million ice cubes.

I squirt the water bottle for half a second of relief
and wonder "If the beautiful" suntan I "might" get
is worth all the trouble?
Up in my room I look and...
ahhh! I'm brown!
God is very patient and kind,
never jealous or envious,
never boastful or proud
never haughty or selfish or rude.

God never demands His own way
He is not irritable or touchy
He does not hold grudges and
will hardly even notice when others do him wrong
He is never glad about injustice,
but He rejoices whenever truth winds out.

If God loves someone, He will be loyal to him
not matter what the cost.
He will always believe in you
He will always expect the best of you
He will always stand his ground in defending you
All the special gifts and powers from God
Will come to and End
But God goes on forever...
--------------I Corinthians 13
